Becoming a First-Time Property Owner: Tips for Getting Started - PropertyBlawg

Becoming a First-Time Property Owner: Tips for Getting Started

by KariLloyd on August 20, 2013

The journey to homeownership can be an enjoyable experience for those who take the time to do their research before embarking on the adventure. There are a number of factors that come into play in regards to purchasing your first home, such as budgeting, financing and knowing how to search. Here are some important tips on how to become a homeowner.

Set & Maintain a Budget
Before you begin the process, you need to set aside money for a down payment on the dwelling of your dreams. Implementing a plan on how to save money is necessary and will allow you to rethink unnecessary purchases. That early morning coffee run or dinning out daily can be curtailed to a once-a-week affair. The money you’ll save each month can go into a special housing fund. You’ll be amazed at the amount of money you can save when you put your mind to it.

Try a Life Coach
The journey to homeownership may seem daunting to many. A life coach can help you put it all into perspective by putting together a plan on how to achieve your goals. By listening to your thoughts on what you hope to accomplish and providing steps on how to make your dreams a reality, you’ll find the path an easy one to take with the help of a professional. A life coach San Diego based, or wherever you are located, can also get you back on track if your plans become derailed along the way.

Do Your Homework
The housing market has taken many dips and turns throughout the past five years. Today’s housing situation is quite different from where it stood a couple of years ago. Do your homework and find out if the specific location that you’re looking into is prime for sellers or buyers. You can also assess the number of days things took to sell and where they sold. There are also a host of online resources where you can find pertinent information on neighborhoods, schools and crime statistics.

Mortgage Lenders
In order to know how much home you qualify for, you’ll need to enlist the help of a mortgage lender. A lender can give you the buying power and confidence to bid on a property that you’re sure you can pay for. They’ll take into consideration the amount of debt that you hold, and your level of income. This is also the ideal time to ask about loan considerations and check your credit rating. A solid credit history of paying down your debt and making bill payments in a timely manner will benefit you when it’s time to actually apply for your mortgage.

After you’ve gotten your finances in order, you’ll soon be ready to start shopping for the perfect home. Enlisting the help of a real estate agent can aid in your search. You may also want to put together a list of features that are most important when selecting a home. The home buying process can be one of the most exciting ventures when you’re fully prepared.

Kari Lloyd is a freelance writer and blogger who contributes to many publications both on and offline. Currently going through the first-time homebuyer process, she found that using a life coach San Diego based to be extremely helpful in both making her initial plans and keeping her goals on track. 

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