PropertyBlawg - Property Law Blogs & Legal News - Page 5

The facts about Help to Buy ISAs

April 14, 2015

In his recent Budget, Chancellor George Osborne announced an expansion to the Government’s Help to Buy Scheme with the introduction of the Help to Buy ISA. Designed to help first time buyers save for their deposit, the Help to Buy ISA gives people the opportunity to access up to £3,000 of Government funds towards their […]

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Property Litigation UK Blog Update: Best, R (On the Application Of) v The Secretary of State for Justice (Rev 1) [2015] EWCA Civ 17 (21 January 2015)

February 1, 2015

Introduction We are pleased to welcome again Mr Anis Waiz, solicitor and head of commercial litigation at Curtis Law Solicitors, with his critical review of current case law – this one concerns property law and property litigation in the UK. If you have any queries on this subject or other commercial litigation matters in the […]

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Time to move on? Top tips for small businesses looking to relocate

November 11, 2014

A growing property market is generally a strong indicator that the UK economy is heading in the right direction. What’s good news for investors, however, may not necessarily be ideal for small business owners. When falling vacancy rates and strong returns hit the headlines, it shows that it’s no longer a buyer’s market – which […]

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What You Need To Know About Enfranchisement For Freeholders

June 4, 2014

If you own the freehold of one or more block of flats, you will know how many things there are to keep track of and how there are also many legal issues and problems that can occur between you and the leaseholders. However, have you considered what would happen if the leaseholders got together and […]

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Four Factors to Consider when Gifting Property to Family Members

May 1, 2014

(Australian Law) The decision to gift your property to family members is a generous one, and you probably have the best of intentions. However, have you considered the possible negative events that could happen as a result of your gift? Transferring your valuable assets to an irresponsible family member could damage the value of your […]

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‘Golden Visa’ Restrictions and Difficulties With Real Estate in Spain

April 29, 2014

The ‘Golden Visa’ is presented as something that the Spanish government has put in place to attract wealthy foreigners, particularly Russians and the Chinese to come to Spain for residency, who will then go on to spend their money in the Spanish economy, and in turn will boost it. The only clear regulation that has […]

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Assignment of Leases – Things to look out for and common pitfalls

March 4, 2014

As a business looking to acquire new commercial premises you will come across one of two options for leasing the property: you can take the grant of a new lease or can take over an existing lease from another business that no longer wants to occupy the space. This is known as the “assignment” of […]

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Creating a Better Landlord and Tenant Relationship

February 23, 2014

Whilst there has always been a focus on protection for landlords when it comes to solicitors in Kent, it can be all too easy to forget about tenant’s rights too. Tenants have had a number of worrying developments to consider over the last few years, from rising rents to the controversial bedroom tax. Recent reports […]

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Legal Guide To Buying an Off Plan Property in the UK

February 22, 2014

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to pick-up a bargain in the UK property market these days. Demand exceeds availability, so vendors can afford to overprice their property with the reality of getting a quick sale. However you may be still able may pick-up a good deal by purchasing an off-plan property. So what is off-plan property? […]

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Keeping an eye on property law in 2014

February 18, 2014

2014 will see some changes to commercial property law that will have a significant impact. For everyone involved in this sector, knowing what is coming is essential. The changes involve an easing of restrictions under permitted development rights, and a change to the arrangements concerning the recovery of commercial rent arrears. On the first point, […]

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